Greenland Guidance operates out of Utrecht, The Netherlands, with coordinators in Greenland, Denmark and the US. Our background is in science. The team including general manager Dirk van As have led dozens of expeditions to all corners of Greenland, and have ample experience operating in for instance Iceland, Svalbard, the European Alps and Antarctica. When needed, we hire seasonal workers listed in our database, specialists in their own field of expertise, ranging from guides to meteorologists to technicians to videographers to mountaineers.
Our small company was established in 2017 after working in Greenland for many years, building a large network of friends and colleagues all over the country. No other science support group knows this beautiful country, its amazing inhabitants, its extreme nature, and its logistical challenges as well as we do.

VAT no.: NL002082127B69
NL Chamber of Commerce no.: 70429987
General Terms and Conditions: pdf